AP Testing
In order to register and take an AP exam students must register in AP Classroom. Please see your individual teachers for the classroom code for EACH AP Class you are enrolled in.
In the 2024 - 2025 school year individual AP Test will cost $99. Those who qualify for a fee waiver will be charged $37 per exam. There will be a deposit in the fall due on 10/31 to secure your AP test for the spring.
AP Testing window will begin on May 5th 2025.
Upcoming SAT / PSAT Test Dates:
10/26/24, to sign up pay $25 in the finance office. There are only 175 tests available for this date. Deadline 10/14/24. Please click on the following link for a student study guide. PSAT Study Guide
Location: Stockdale High School
Register: www.collegeboard.com