
California Scholarship Federation (CSF)


The CSF Application for the Spring 2024 semester will be open from September 3 – September 20 Apply Here .


A list of classes that can be used are found at Qualifying Classes Qualifying Classes



Founded in 1921, the California Scholarship Federation (CSF) is the oldest scholastic, scholarship institution in the state of California. It is nationally recognized by colleges, universities, and scholarship organizations. CSF emphasizes high standards of scholarship, and community service for California high school students and encourages service to the school and community while fostering pride in academic scholastic achievement.



CSF Membership is gained after qualifying grades are earned each semester. In order to become a member, the student must submit an application each semester. The application period takes place at the beginning of each semester (Stockdale students are informed of these dates through our daily Mustang Memo, and/or StHS website). A point system specified in the CSF State By-Laws establishes the membership requirements. To secure eligibility for CSF membership, a student must earn sufficient points (10) from pre-approved course lists. The majority of the required membership points must come from University of California accepted course work (i.e. college prep, honors and AP classes).


Silver Cap & Gown are earned by qualifying for four or more semesters between the 10th and 12th grade years. These students earn the CSF Gold Seal on diplomas and notation on transcripts and are recognized during Senior Academic Awards and their graduation ceremony. 



* Membership counting towards Silver cap & gown begins with grades earned in the 10th grade year.

** Associate membership is for grades earned in 9th grade. Associate membership does not qualify for Silver cap & gown but will be noted on the transcript.