Girls Tennis
Optional Hitting Practices: First 3 weeks of Summer School, Monday - Thursday 7:30 AM to 9 AM.
First day of practice / tryouts is August 3rd from 6:10 AM to 8:30 AM.
- Stockdale has one of the most successful tennis programs in the Valley for both Girls and Boys Tennis. Our Varsity Girls Tennis Team won 6 straight Valley Championships from 2003-2008, and has had multiple individual valley champions in both singles and doubles. Our varsity boys tennis team has also had multiple individual champions and won the Valley Championship in 2004. Our Girls Tennis season usually starts 1 week before school opens and runs until mid November. The boys tennis season starts in late January or February and runs until the end of the school year. Anyone interested in trying out for our team should contact Dave Hillestad for more information.
Lewis Cup Girls Tennis Tournament Information
Any coaches interested in participating in the Lewis Cup Girls Tennis Tournament should contact Dave Hillestad by school or personal email to get an entry into our tournament. We are looking to add 4 new teams to the tournament next year and we would like to hear from you if you are interested. Let us know if you have any questions.
Online Athletic Clearance Packet/Sports Physical:
Must be completed prior to all conditioning