
Winter Formal' Monte Carlo - January 14th @Bakersfield Marriott 7:00pm-10:30pm

Winter Formal' Monte Carlo - January 14th @Bakersfield Marriott 7:00pm-10:30pm

FORMAL- Join us for a Night in Monte Carlo on January 14th at the Bakersfield Marriott. Purchase your formal bid from the Finance Office (current ID required) or on-line with a student account.
Bids are $60 before/during winter break and $75 after break starting January 9th. Last day/time to purchase tickets will be Friday, January 13th at 12:30.

*To purchase online you must clear all debts before purchasing. A “money owed list” is posted on the library window.

* Permission slips for off-campus guests are available in the Activities Office. You must present completed guest paperwork to purchase guest ticket at the Finance Office.

*Only clear bags, clear backpacks or clear purses are allowed in the dance.

*Last day for a refund is January 9th.
*Last day to purchase is January 13th at lunch time

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