
Photo Album

Stockdale High 2017-18 school year in pictures

ACADEC Testing
Band Spectacular
Basketball camp
Boys Wrestling
Amanda Hamilton Sam Medelin at Jockey Club
Anatomy Lab
Anime Club
AVID College Fair
AVID College Fair
Band Spectacular
Band Spectacular
Band Spectacular
Chester's marbles
Chilton's AP Lit class
Class project
Club Day
Cocoa & Cram
College Club visit's UCSB
Cross Country
Cross Country
Dress-up days
Dress-up days
Dress-up days
Dustin's Diner
Erica Paradise and Greta Krueger win the doubles Valley Championship
Fall Choir Concert
Fall Concert
Football fans
Freshmen Float - Homecoming
FS Volleyball
FS vs. Frontier
Girls Basketball team crowned the Arvin High School Holiday Showcase Champions!
Girls Basketball vs West
Girls Golf
Girls Leadership Conference
Girls Soccer team in San Diego for the Oceanside Winter Classic
Girls Soccer win FS Tournament
Girls Tennis
Girls Tennis
Guitar Club Omar Ramos
Halloween Dress-up Day
Hatak Math
Homecoming Day of Life
Homecoming Royalty
Impact Bible Club
International Club Friendsgiving
International Club Henna
Junior Float - Homecoming
JV Cheer
JV Soccer Champs
JV vs. BHS
Key-Interact Club
Key-Interact Club
K-Pop Club
Light the Night Walk registration
Link Crew
Lunch activities
Marching Band - Carter Heiss
Medical Academy Final
Mirror Mirror - The Final Frontier
Mirror Mirror - The Final Frontier
Mirror Mirror - The Final Frontier
Food Sale day
Mr. Hammon's Science class
Mrs. Harless receives $1000 One Classroom at a Time Award
Mustang Football
Mustang Madness
Mustang Movie Night
Mustang Movie Night
Pink Out
Pink Out
PLTW Engineering
Principal Partners Day
Sande's Seminar
Science Club Halloween Party
Senior Football Breakfast at Seven Oaks Country Club
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Sunrise
Senior Wrestlers
Seniors Float - Homecoming
Soccer Team Meal
Sophomore Float - Homecoming
Spanish Honor Society Initiation
STHS Student Credit Union
Stockdale Anatomy annual health workshops field trip
Stockdale Athletes serve the community through the Celebrity Reader Program
Stockdale BSU at USC
Stockdale Computer Science students attend CSUB Big Data Event
Stockdale Girls Cross Country take 2nd place @ Santa Clarita Invitational
Stockdale's Got Game Rally
Survival of the Fittest Rally
Toy Drive
Unity Week
Unity Week
Unity Week
Unity Week
Unity Week
Varsity Cheer @ BHS
Varsity Football
Varsity Girls Tennis team wins Lewis Cup Championship
Varsity vs. BHS
Via Arte
Via Arte
Via Arte
Volleyball fans
Volleyball Senior Night
Wounded Heroes